In conjunction with the AHA annual meeting in New York, here are the fourth annual

Best Individual Blog: Northwest History
In addition to a strong focus on the historical materials and historiography of the American Northwest, Prof. Cebula introduces and explains digital resources and techniques with great range and depth. The writing is engaging and incisive and the result both entertaining and very useful.This is a wonderful and unexpected honor. I feel like Rudolf when Clarisse bats her eyelashes at him:
Congratulations! I have to say you have a really good Clioblog!
Congrats Larry! Now of course this means that you have to maintain this level of quality or they'll take your award away!
No way Kratzer. If you need me you'll fond me resting ok my laurels, posting pictures if my cats and links from Fark.
Congratulations Larry!
Congrats! The public history blogosphere is very proud! (Of course, since I nominated you, I'd like to think I get a little reflected glory.)
Congrats, Larry! Very well deserved...
I look forward to seeing your cats then.
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