Monday, August 2, 2010

Cody Blogging: The Town that Couldn't Shoot Straight

I am in Cody, Wyoming this week! I am here as a guest of the Cody Papers Project at the Buffalo Bill Historical Center. The first half of the week will be spent at the amazing McCracken Research Library. Thursday and Friday are devoted to a conference sponsored by the Cody Papers Project: Buffalo Bill and Europe.

I am an Associate Editor on the Papers Project and will try to blog about Cody--the man and the town--every day this week. The video above is of the gunfight that happens every evening at 6 during the tourist season. Tomorrow I'll get a bit more scholarly. Maybe.


  1. Looks like fun - I look forward to hearing more about it. Does the project have a website?

  2. Katrina: Alas, no website yet, but soon. The project kicked off about 18 months ago with a grant from the Wyoming legislature and is getting some grant money to continue. The goal is to publish the papers of William F. Cody--a hugely significant figure in cultural history and a man's whose life seemd to intersect that of every leading figure of his day. I'll post more on it maybe tomorrow.

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