Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Civil Rights Digital Library

The Civil Rights Digital Library "promotes an enhanced understanding of the Movement by helping users discover primary sources and other educational materials from libraries, archives, museums, public broadcasters, and others on a national scale." Boasting a huge roster of humanities partners, the Civil Rights Digital Library contains--well, I am not sure how many items but a lot! There are documents of course, but also many thousands of photographs, sound files of oral interviews (though unfortunately presented in the proprietary Real Audio format), and even moving images from the Civil Rights struggle. There are also educator resources and a really robust set of search tools.

There is plenty of Northwest content at the library. The image in this post is from a Seattle Black Panther pamphlet from 1969, "Ministry of Information Bulletin #2." You can also hear Nancy Nelson sing two lovely civil rights songs: My Lord, What a Morning and Let Us Break Bread Together. And as elsewhere in the nation, the Civil Rights movement affected more than just African Americans--see this record on the enforcement of the Indian Civil Rights Act.

This is really an exemplary digital history project. The content partners are broad and well-chosen, the content is rich and varied and includes many one-of-a-kind items that would otherwise be unavailable to most researchers, documents are presented along with sound and moving picture files, the site is nicely laid-out and easy to search and navigate. Quite unlike that sill flash site at the Library of Congress I wrote about last week, The Civil Rights Digital Library is a model for serving up historical resources on the web.

[Via the very useful AHA blog.]

1 comment:

  1. Dr. Cebula:

    My name is Lindsey Shuman and I am a graduate student of American history. I am writing to let you know about a new project that a group of professors, grad students, etc. are trying to get started. The project is a new group history blog that focuses on the role of religion in early American history. Being that this is a controversial subject, we hope to be able to include as many history professionals as we can.

    The blog ( try to incorporate as many persuasions on the topic as possible, but we hope to keep things as scholarly as we can.

    Anyway, we invite you to view our blog and let us know what you think. Again, we would be delighted to have you join us as well as a contributor. We are proud of the contributors that we have assembled and hope to host a number of meaningful discussions on this topic.

    Thanks for your time!
